Happy Endings
Original Audio Story in Advanced Development
SYNOPSIS: As the daughter of Taiwanese immigrants, Tiffany Lee has lived her life struggling to be Asian AND American. Losing her job, “boyfriend” and apartment in NYC she returns to her childhood home as a failed
30-year-old. Sentenced to sail on the Love Boat*, Tiffany travels from the sleepy suburbs of Virginia to the bustling island of Singapore, where Passion is Made Possible. She embarks on a journey to rediscover herself without the pressures of society and helicopter parents. Taking control of her life, she gets to try things for the
first time - taking an acting class, dating an Asian guy and achieving her first orgasm.
This series explores what it means to be a single independent woman racing against her
Facebook timeline of adulting milestones; proposals, buying a house and baby announcements.
*Love Boat is the unofficial name for the Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan Study Tour,
an adult summer camp for desperate children of even more desperate parents, hoping to find a mate for life.